miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009


Hi everyone!

So many years ago, there were trains in Haderslev, so even nowadays we can see the train’s tracks. Something similar happens with us. Everything in that life left some signs and I’m sure that this journey will left a little sign in all small heart.

As I said many times in my posts, I started this trip with strangers. I took this train last first of February, and day by day I was knowing the people who travelled with my in that adventure, and today you are almost a new family.

I don’t know exactly why I choose Denmark, but I don’t regret of anything of this experience. I had good, bad and also awful moments in Haderslev, but in all these moments, all of you were there. And I will bring to Spain a lot of memories and good moments with you.

Today we are living together exactly two months and 29 days; it is something really quickly to say, but it is almost three months.

During that time we spent a lot of time together, we lived and we did a lot of things. And now all of you are part of my life, and I hope to be a little part of your life too.

In my point of view, these few months were a really good experience. Probably it is one of the best experiences of my life, and everything because I knew you. When I will go back to Spain, I will be a little bit Czech, Hungarian, Turkish, Belgian, Danish and of course Polish. I’m totally International.

Actually, our train is ready to left Haderslev in few days, and with this last train our journey will finish. But I have to say you that for me it is not a “GOOD BYE”, it is simply the typical “I WILL SEE YOU SOON”, because if we could found ourselves many times in Copenhagen, I’m sure that we will see us again in somewhere

I now that is so difficult to be all together again. Probably not, but nothing is impossible. I am going to miss all of you a lot. Really thank you to be here.

PS: I hope that we will enjoy all together our last days here. And also I hope that you enjoy my last Spanish omelette.

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